тень тени
Люблю я переделанные старые сказки с мотивом "все было совсем не так" или с известными персонажами, но в новом антураже. И недавно попались мне несколько песен группа The Mechanisms, а потом и тексты на их сайте. Герои сказок в мире далекого будущего, генетические эксперименты, космолеты, король-тиран и повстанцы. Но да, хэппиэнда тут ждать не приходится, по крайней мере в обычном понимании. Тут есть и генралы Белоснежка с Розой, и Золушка, и Красная Шапочка с компьютерным вирусом "Волк", министр пропаганды Шахеризада, генерал Бель с свирепым телохранителем-бандитом по прозвищу Зверь.

Наверное больше всего понравилась история Красной Шапочки.


Sergeant Harris sat on the edge of his seat and looked nervously around the lieutenant’s basement office. It looked like something out of a period drama. There were shelves with untidy stacks of paper files and not a single vid-screen or data tablet to be seen. There were even pencils lying scattered across the table. What kind of crazy old bastard was this Lieutenant Tilde? He shouldn’t have deserved a punishment detail this extreme – even for gross insubordination. Maybe he should have just quit the force after all.

The door behind him opened. Harris jumped to attention only when he saw the officer’s stripes on the uniform, for the lieutenant seemed no older than himself. She held a printed transcript in her hands and seemed not to notice him, instead rifling through some files with her back to the sergeant. Harris coughed. Without turning around, the lieutenant spoke. “So they finally sent help. You left your handheld in the box outside?”

“Ah… Sorry, sir?”

“Apparently not. Switch it off and do so immediately. I thought the sign on the door was clear on that.” The lieutenant turned and continued as Harris, bewildered, did as he was told. “She’ll have tagged your phone the moment it entered this location and has probably already cracked it. If you’re listening, Red – and I know you are – I’d appreciate a little privacy.”

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